We headed across Plymouth Sound on friday afternoon at about 4pm. Took about an hour to make the approx 4nm journey. Not a lot of wind so we motored. Swell predictions and wind looked great for some peaceful waters to anchor in for a couple of nights. Weather forecast was a but mixed.
Not sure why I bother with forecasts really.
The swell was wrapping around and heading up to Cawsand beach, not a vast amount, but enough to make you think twice about anchoring up for the night. But it was getting dingy by now and I was keen for a well earned end of week beer, and didn't fancy having to motor all the way back - so the decision was made fairly quickly to drop the hook and make the best of it.
After I'd let out about 50m of rope and chain, I went to the stern and noticed a fisherman's net about 5m behind us - nothing for it but to relocate - so I weighed the anchor (it was very heavy!) and Rose motored us 50m forwards thinking we'd be well clear, then re-set the anchor.
It turned out the swell was absolutely fine. We concluded we'd experienced more bouncing around in Plymouth Yacht Haven (our summer marina berth). I think perhaps the beer helped too

Next morning we awoke to blue skies, and a fisherman's net around our rudder. I prodded at it with an oar and eventually it drifted away from us. The owner of the net arrived shortly after. Turns out it was a "bottom net", and should not have been on the surface at all - and the reason it was so poorly buoyed as to be near invisible is that "thems that lives in Plymuf is rats and will steal anything they can get thur 'ands on".
That was Saturday morning. It's now monday afternoon and we've just got back after 2 more nights at anchor, lots of pints in pubs and a walk out to Rame head. We sailed back all the way in winds from the NE touching 25 knots on occasion. Had to tack and sail hard into the wind all the way. It was excellent!! Still grinning as I type this. Got to try out the AIS Rose got me for Christmas too, as the Navy were on manoeuvres.
Got back to find our Echomax radar reflector had arrived. It's massive! And I have no idea how to install it. I need, I think, to get myself some rivets and a rivet gun thing.
Here's a selection of photos from our awesome weekend:
Lunar, very excited about going ashore, Isabella in the background

A gig comes in, with Isabella in the background. Not often you get Cawsand's anchorage to yourself!

Me, rowing, Isabella behind

Lunar looking at the morning fog (I got to use my fog horn! Yay!)

Rose admiring the vista from Rame head


Sailing back to Plymouth - Rose in her silly hat

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